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For Professionals

Find resources to help you support young LGBT+ people and learn more about what we can do for you

What we offer

To speak to somebody about any of the services detailed below, please call 01202 205279 or contact us


For Professionals
We have free staff training and school support available via our Education Specialist, Mel Lane. Mel also provides in school lessons and assemblies adapted by age group for years R-7. All sessions and training follow Ofsted, Church of England, PSHE and Rights Respecting Schools Guidelines.

More information about Mel's services can be found on her website or you can contact Mel at


For Young People
One-to-One Support
We can offer 1:1 support with one of our Youth workers to give young people a safe space and the opportunity to have a frank, open discussion and to ask any questions they may have.  We can also extend this support to family members if wanted.  At the moment this option is via Zoom.  

We also have trainee counsellors completing their final placements attached to our organisation.  We can refer your young person to the counsellors if they feel this support would be beneficial.  
Please note: this service is in addition to and not instead of anything organised by your GP or CAMHS.

Youth Groups
We also run LGBT+ Youth Groups available in 7 locations across Dorset. For further details about our groups, visit find a group.

In order to access one-to-one or group support, w
e will need the young person to contact us so we can complete a membership sign up over the phone or via zoom.

  • Parents or school staff can attend if the young person would like them to.

  • In the call we will introduce ourselves, explain a little about what we do, and take down contact information. 

  • ​There are a few questions asking how the young person identifies, however, if at any time there is a question they do not want to answer they can respond with "prefer not to say".


Scroll through some of the helpful information we have available for you!

If there's something you're looking for and can't find, make sure to check out our additional support 
or resources & helpful links page.

Registered Charity Number: 1167902

c/o Bournemouth & Poole College, North Road, Poole, Dorset, BH14 0LS

01202 205279

©2023 by Space Youth Project

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